Female Overload and Empowerment

I have been, and still am, a working single mother. I understand the enormous difficulties, challenges, emotions and demands made of women and how they are sometimes openly discussed (yay), sometimes taken for granted (by everyone including us), sometimes brushed under the carpet (easier that way) and sometimes blatantly ridiculed (what do you mean you can't do it all?!).

I see my role as supporting you to explore the challenges you are facing, from whatever backdrop or context.  I am not here to judge you, to tell you what to do, to guide you or to encourage you to think a certain way. 

I AM here to discover what YOU think about these things, to take accountability for your place in the world and to establish yourself as the woman YOU want to be.  

Cut your way through the jungle and find your own inner clearing.

Parental Support for Children with Illness

As well as the complexities of everyday life with a child with poor health (of which there are many!) there are also the emotional issues that parents do not have an outlet for.

 - being in a hyper-vigilant state all the time (there's never an 'off' switch or a standby mode)

 - Needing to offload/rant/vent without our child hearing

 - Not being listened to, or being ignored by professionals

 - Sadness, loneliness, anger and grief

 - Learning to accept where things are at, rather than where you want them to be

As a fellow parent in this situation, as well as being professionally trained, I help people manage and release these worries, stresses and fears to help them overcome the feelings of overwhelm, come to terms with their situation and move forward positively and proactively.

Free support, group support and one to one support available.

Move from 'hard core parenting' to a more balanced life.

Physical, Mental and Emotional Challenges

You might have had things that have bothered you for many years relating to difficult experiences, long term anxieties or a phobia that has been with you for life.  

Or equally something might have bubbled up more recently; maybe workplace bullying, a new insight that you've had you don't know what to do with or an operation that you need to prepare or recover from.

Whatever the scenario I'm here to help you navigate how to best progress through and onto the next stage.  After all, our bodies and minds are intricately connected and aligned so we need to keep them balanced in order to remain healthy.

Take your whole health by the hand and walk it safely back home.